Dare to Lead™

GO DEEP. Develop your leadership and courage building skills.

Do you want to become a braver, more daring leader – whether in your job, life or community? Are you struggling to lead with confidence in this time of uncertainty? Do you admire the research and work of Brené Brown? If so, the Dare to Lead™ online workshop is for you.

Session Runs Weekly on Tuesday's for 5 Weeks**:

  • October 15th, October 22nd, October 29th, November 5th, and November 12th (12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Atlantic Time)

Cost: $1,297 + HST *$997 +HST
(*early bird rate until September 20th)

(** 100% participation is the expectation. If your schedule does not allow for this, please consider taking this program at a later date)




Discover What the Dare to Lead Online Workshop Can Teach You

Daring leadership is a collection of four courage skill sets that are 100% teachable, measurable, and observable. In this program, you will develop the skills it takes to do brave work, have tough conversations and show up with your whole heart.

The Dare to Lead™ online training program is divided into four learning modules:

  • Rumbling with Vulnerability – Learn how to face risk, uncertainty, and tough conversations with courage, clarity, and empathy.
  • Living Into Your Values – Identify what you stand for and how to show up from a place of integrity every day.
  • Braving Trust – Discover how to build meaningful and authentic connections with your teams, colleagues and customers so you can work together from a foundation of trust.
  • Learning to Rise – Become aware of your emotions and stories and learn how to show up and lead with courage – even when faced with failure, disappointment, and setbacks.

When done right, these skills enable leaders to create safe spaces for teams to experiment with creativity and innovation, which in turn leads to increases in productivity and employee engagement.


What to Expect from Our Dare To Lead Online Workshop & Training

This 24-hour Dare to Lead online workshop program is highly interactive. It is based on Brené Brown’s approach to empowering people, which focuses on finding common ground with others, believing  everyone has power to make a difference, and feeling grounded by a strong sense of self-worth.


“We need braver leaders and more courageous cultures.”
~Dr. Brené Brown

True leadership isn’t about power over people; it is about power with people. Nor is leadership about titles or the corner office. It’s about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and lean into courage. The world is desperate for braver leaders. It’s time for all of us to step up, put down the armour and lean into impactful leadership practices that cultivate connection and caring for our most important resource – people.

 What does this look like in action? It means:

•  Acting with power and purpose, rather than acting bogged down by mindless activity.

•  Moving from simply interacting to relating by caring about others. 

•  Focusing on the success of the team and department.

•  Looking for opportunities to solve problems and create value. 

•  Drawing on the power of shared values.


Learning Outcomes

Rumbling with Vulnerability: face risk, uncertainty, and tough conversations with courage, clarity, and empathy.

  • Risk, uncertainty and emotional exposure
  • The six myths of vulnerability
  • Your arena
  • Shame resilience
  • The 5 skills of empathy
  • The eight empathic misses
  • The three elements of self-compassion

Living into our Values: identify what you stand for and how to show up from a place of integrity every day.

  • Identify your core, guiding leadership values
  • Taking values from professing them to practicing them
  • Rumble skills: language and tools
  • Giving engaged feedback
  • Recognizing defensiveness in feedback conversations

BRAVING Trust: build meaningful and authentic connections with your teams, colleagues and customers so you can work together from a foundation of trust.

  • The anatomy of trust and psychological safety
  • Trust with self, with others, within teams
  • The role of boundaries, integrity and generosity

Learning to Rise: become aware of your emotions and stories and learn how to show up and lead with courage… even when faced with failure, disappointment, and setbacks.

  • Emotional snags
  • Offloading hurt
  • Strategies for reckoning with emotion
  • The reckoning: get curious about emotional hooks
  • The rumble: conspiracies, confabulations and shitty first drafts
  • The revolution: circle back, rewrite the ending


What You'll Receive during Our Dare To Lead Online Workshops

  • Dare to Lead™ workbook
  • Viewing of exclusive Brené Brown videos
  • Instruction from certified Dare to Lead™ and Daring Way™ Facilitators
  • A Dare to Lead™ Certificate of Completion
  • A network of peers who will join you in the Dare to Lead™ Community

What's My Investment?

$1,297 *$997 + HST (early bird rate until September 20th)

(We recommend you grab your spot soon as we have limited capacity for this training)

(*Please note: 100% participation is the expectation and if your schedule does not allow for this at this time, please consider taking this program at a different time)

Tickets are non-refundable; however, we are happy to transfer your ticket to another person of your choice.

About The Dare To Lead™ Online Workshop Program

Dare to Lead™ is the ultimate playbook for developing brave leaders and courageous cultures. Daring leadership is a collection of four courage skill sets that are 100% teachable, measurable, and observable. Learning and practice require brave work, tough conversations, and showing up with our whole hearts.

Join the more than 20,000 leaders who enhanced their leadership skills through the Dare To Lead™ Online Workshop, Fortune 500 companies, and religious entities. This six-part series workshop is designed to teach you the research-based skill sets of courage that will turn you into a braver, more daring leader.

Based on the grounded theory research of Dr. Brené Brown, this Dare to Lead™ online course is an interactive leadership workshop like you have never experienced before. It will teach you the skills of courage and provide operationalized tools that can change how you lead forever.

Individuals who successfully complete the full 24-hour Dare to Lead™ online program will receive a certificate of completion and are allowed to put a Dare to Lead™ Trained badge on their LinkedIn account.

Further information is available at





“I had the privilege of taking the Daring Greatly course facilitated by the talented, authentic, and engaging Patricia Auchnie.

This course was a most influential catalyst in igniting my leadership transformation. I learned that empowerment shows up as “owning our story and loving ourselves and that this process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”

In entering the Daring Way arena, I learned how to show up with courage, be seen and how to live with brave authenticity by embracing my vulnerability.

This course was immeasurably life changing in a professional capacity AND it was especially powerful on the personal- Learning to understand the elements of trust needed toward myself and with others has placed me on a trajectory I could not have imagined.

Gift yourself this honour. It will change your life in unimaginable ways.

- Heartfelt

Key team members of our organization recently embarked in a Dare to Lead program with Janna as part of an ongoing commitment to creating a culture of communication and leadership. We quickly realized that Janna possesses many amazing gifts and that our time with her would be productive and learnings from our journey applicable to every area of our life. 

Not only is Janna a fantastic facilitator and listener, her approach during the Dare to Lead workshop was extremely engaging and authentic.  Learning to build a culture of courage, taking off the armour and learning to have tough conversation is not for the faint of heart.  For me, I am very grateful for Janna’s insights, guidance and thoughtful conversation throughout the Dare to Lead process. 

My journey from armoured leadership to daring leadership was eye opening and I do feel that I am a better leader and person because of these teachings and my time spent with Janna.

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen” Brené Brown” ~

Claire Robichaud




“I recently participated in the Dare to Lead program facilitated by Janna. I signed up for the program as I’d moved into a senior role at our firm and I wanted to develop my professional leadership skills further; it ended up having a profound impact in all areas of my life.  

The self-awareness I have gained throughout the process, as well as the set of tools and techniques to practice in all aspects of my personal and professional relationships, will surely be takeaways that will not only benefit me, but countless others.  

It was a powerful experience being surrounded by a diverse group of leaders, there to explore both our vulnerabilities and our strengths together. The facilitators were able to create a safe and open space for all of us attending. They made the material relatable and guided us in a way that continues to inspire me to lead and live bravely.”


Jennifer Greene

As a woman in a leadership role, the learning and growth I have experienced from participation in the workshops with Patricia have been monumental. Patricia has guided me to develop a better understanding of the importance of self-reflection and making space to affirm my true self and the work I do. Honoring my journey, encouraging the process, learning to get curious with challenges, and realizing my strengths are some of the many aspects of focus I have gained during my time with Patricia

~Jan Gillespie, Educational Leader


Janna Hare, Certified Executive Coach, Leadership and Organizational Development Consultant


Janna is a seasoned management and human resource management specialist and highly regarded Leadership Coach and Facilitator who partners with her clients to offer practical approaches and solutions to align business strategy to business results.

Janna’s ability to help translate the diverse experiences of her clients into tangible resources for personal and professional growth allows her to work effectively with individuals from varied backgrounds and professions. She has a track record of helping clients become effective communicators and change agents within their organizations.

Janna is committed to the growth and effectiveness of organizations, teams and individuals and to moving them toward their goals and successes. Janna’s approach to each client relationship is engaging, collaborative and results-oriented. As a certified executive coach, she leverages her finely tuned insight and ability to connect with clients to assist them in their development as leaders. She has guided the development of entrepreneurs and senior leaders, teams and organizations in the private, public and not-for-profits sectors.

Janna holds a BA (Honours) in Psychology, a B. ED and M. ED in Adult Education, all from the University of New Brunswick. In addition, Janna is a graduate of Royal Roads University as a Certified Executive Coach and an active member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) holding a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential. She is a licensed Coaching Out of the Box® facilitator and is certified to integrate powerful tools and curricula such as The Daring Way™, Dare to Lead™, Emotional and Social Competency Inventory™ (ESCI), The Leadership Circle Profile™ and The Leadership Circle Culture Survey™ in her client work. Janna is an engaged member of many community committees and boards.



Patricia Auchnie, Performance Consultant, Advisor, and Mentor 


Transformational change begins with one person's desire for better. Patricia partners with leaders and teams to operationalize that desire for better with proven methods for measurable results.

Patricia is a performance consultant, licensed healthcare practitioner focused on human behaviour, and has worked with people and organizations for over two decades. Taking a data driven systems approach, Patricia guides leaders and teams in taking a deep and wide exploration of their unique leadership story, evolution, and impact while illuminating pathways for expansion into future possibilities. 

Organizations will achieve their missions more effectively when armed with the tools of clear intention, purpose, and presence in leadership. Mindful leadership practices and organizational outcomes are inextricably connected and Canadian workplaces are calling for more mindful leaders who can adapt, elevate, and expedite critical improvements in culture, productivity, health, safety, and prosperity. Patricia understands that these changes to our Canadian workplaces begin with leaders who hold reverence for leadership and are committed learning new ways of connection to elevate us all. 

“A rising tide lifts all boats” 

Patricia is the founder of Nova Salutem inc. a values based consultancy firm calibrating leadership and organizations for excellence. The company's mission is to optimize organizational and leadership performance to set organizations apart in today's competitive environment of acquiring, nourishing, and retaining top tier talent. 

Patricia holds undergraduate degrees in Psychology, Clinical Social Work, and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work. Patricia also holds a certification with the Canadian Mental Health Association as a Psychological Health and Safety Advisor and is certified by The Daring Way™ to facilitate research into practice based in Dr. Brené Brown’s research. Patricia holds a Private Practitioner License with the NS College of Social Workers for the delivery of Psychotherapy for individuals who work in leadership or high profile public roles. Patricia enjoys volunteering on various community projects, surfing with her three children, snowboarding and living an active lifestyle with her partner Henry on the beautiful Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia.