Conversational Intelligence® is a revolutionary body of work leveraging the power of neuroscience to create profound and lasting transformation for individuals, teams and entire organizational cultures. Combining science and intuition, Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ) aspires to shift our world from I-Centric to WE-Centric and architect Conversational Transformation on a neuro-chemical level.
Whether applied to individual leaders and executives, teams or entire organizations, C-IQ is a force for positive transformation such as establishing high levels of trust, triggering growth and innovation, overcoming limiting conversational patterns or gracefully navigating difficult conversations.
As a coach Certified in Conversational Intelligence® I have access to the C-IQ Catalyst Tools and technologies and am equipped to facilitate workshops, masterminds and other in-depth sessions utilizing C-IQ tools and frameworks to elevate performance results, shift organizations into Level III Conversational Rituals, create and sustain a healthy organizational culture and much more.
Together, we are changing the World one conversation at a time.
In our CONVERSATIONAL INTELLIGENCE™ workshop you will learn how to:
- Learn about the neuroscience of conversations and the impact trust and distrust has on our brain and our communications efficacy; learn how to better manage those influences.
- Become aware of common blind spots and triggers that can derail the best of intentions and learn how to mitigate these pitfalls.
- Take away useful and applicable tools and strategies to prime yourself and others for better conversations and relationship dynamics.
Throughout this workshop, you will engage in meaningful conversations in a safe, high-impact learning environment. And we’ll have some fun along the way too!